Take Control of Your Rock Data

The Go-To Platform For Mining Companies Grappling With An Onslaught Of Drilling Data.

We Work Side-By-Side With Industry Experts To Build Tools That Allow For Smarter Drilling, Performance Optimization, Rock Mass Characterization, and Operational Efficiencies.

Our Analysis Offers Actionable Results Today For Savings Tomorrow.

Top Use Cases For Our Analytics


MWD - Fracture and Void Detection

MWD - Drilling Roadmap


MWD - Relative Rock Types and Properties

Rig, Crew and Operator Performance


With so many changing priorities, why not put our team of engineers and subject matter experts to work for you? Let us dig deep into your measurement while drilling (MWD) data to find insights that you can actually use today.

Our drilling roadmap lets you compare the performance and drilling inputs of your most recent boreholes against your best-in-class offsets for a given rock type - this allows for optimization and cost savings.